Patient & Public Interest
We recognise that patient and public interest (PPI) and organisations, should have opportunities to contribute to the development of NOCA audits, guidance, reports and conferences.
PPI representatives are core members of the NOCA Governance Board and Audit Governance Committees. We know that-
PPI representation at the NOCA Governance Board ensures that the strategic direction of NOCA stays aligned to improving healthcare for all
PPI representation enhances the planning, design and implementation of NOCA audits
NOCA clinical audits have a greater relevance for people directly affected by recommendations.
A patient perspective.
Barbara Egan tells her story of being a former ICU patient and how being an active PPI has benefited her and many others through her work at NOCA and the ICU Steps programme. Barbara is a member of the ICU Audit (adult) Governance Committee
How we work together
PPI representatives work with NOCA includes national report development, policy development, the NOCA conference design and participation, development of Patient information leaflets, and much more.