February 09 @ 04:16am

NOCA’s Annual Conference 2023 returns to in person

The NOCA Annual Conference took place on Tuesday 31st January 2023, as part of RCSI’s Charter Week programme. The event saw over 300 healthcare professionals in attendance with national and international speakers and panelists. This years conference theme was 'Audit Matters.' The conference also saw the launch of the Irish National Audit of Stroke 2013-2021, the Irish Paediatric Critical Care Audit 2020 and the Audit Impact Report 2023

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NOCA’s Annual Conference 2023 returns to in person Image

NOCA’s Clinical Director Brian Creedon opened our Annual Conference welcoming attendees from all areas of the healthcare system in Ireland, with representatives from hospitals, hospital groups, HSE, Department of Health, healthcare professional bodies, patient advocacy groups and many more.

The event saw the launch of two national clinical audit reports - Irish National Audit of Stroke 2013 - 2021 and the Irish Paediatric Critical Care Audit 2020

There were also three projects shortlisted to present for the NOCA Quality Improvement Champion Award 2023. Dr Victoria Meighan, Tallaght University Hospital Dublin presented her project ‘Improving detection of Aortic Diisection’, Rachel Egan, St James’s Hospital presented her project ‘Critical Care ANPs to reduce ICU admission delays’ and finally, our Winner of the QI Award Champion 2023, Dr Sara Ahmed, The National Maternity Hospital, who presented her project ‘Sips Til’ Section’.

​We have also compiled a booklet of all 16 submissions for the NOCA Quality Improvement Champion Award 2023 that can now be downloaded here

You can find a copy of all the presentations in the table below

Dr Brian Creedon Welcome Address Collette Tully Audit Impact Report 2023 Prof Eamon O'Shea Creating and maintaining excellence in clinical audit; lessons from elite sport Prof Edward Gregg Expanding the potential for data-driven population health decision making: The case of cardiometabolic disease Dr Michael Sykes Studies in England and Ireland exploring and enhancing organisational responses to national audits Prof Joseph Harbison Launch of the Irish National Audit of Stroke 2013 -2021 Robert Norris Patient perspective on stroke care Maria McCann HSE rollout of Individual Health Indicators (IHI) - It's hHappening Dr Orla Healy Quality and patient safety - HSE National Centre for Clinical Audit Muiris O'Connor Department of Health - The Health Information Bill transforming secondary use of healthcare data in Ireland Dr Martina Healy Launch of the Irish Paediatric Critical Care Audit 2020 Fiona Fallon IPCCA Patient Story Prof Conor O'Keane Quality Improvement and NOCA Audit: making both synonymous QI Presentations Booklet Dr Chris Fitzpatrick Poetry & Medicine - A Personal Journey

We would like to thank our sponsors and exhibitors for supporting this conference:


  • Amgen

  • EIDO Healthcare

  • DMF Systems

  • MEG

  • Smith & Nephew

  • Openapp

  • Healthtech Ireland


  • Patient Advisory Services

  • Diabetes Ireland

  • National Ambulance Service

  • National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre

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