NOCA celebrates Clinical Audit Awareness Week with the Clinical Audit Ambassadors campaign
We want to acknowledge and celebrate the dedication and commitment to clinical audit of our local hospital NOCA Audit Coordinators, Clinical Leads, those who enter audit data for NOCA audits at hospital level and members of NOCA Audit Governance Committee and the NOCA Governance Board. From the 19th-23rd June 2023, we will share photos and videos about the important work they do on Twitter.
During Clinical Audit Awareness Week, taking place from the 19th-23rd June 2023, we want to show our appreciation for the dedication and commitment to clinical audit of our local hospital NOCA Audit Coordinators, Clinical Leads, those who enter audit data for NOCA audits at hospital level and members of NOCA Governance Committees and the NOCA Governance Board. Clinical Audit Awareness Week is a campaign, run by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) and National Quality Improvement (incl. Clinical Audit) Network (N-QI-CAN) in the UK, to promote and celebrate the benefits and impact of clinical audit and quality improvement work in healthcare.
Clinical Audit is a vital part of healthcare, and those involved in it strive to improve services for our patients on a daily basis. Without these essential people, NOCA audits would not be possible.
From Monday 19th to Friday 23rd June, we will post individual submissions across the day, highlighting the amazing staff in hospitals across Ireland who work with NOCA audits.