July 17 @ 04:30am

Expressions of Interest sought for the Irish Breast Implant Registry

The NOCA Clinical Lead provides clinical leadership for the successful implementation and management of a NOCA audit /registry. They are operationally supported by NOCA with access to a dedicated audit manager, statistical, data quality & security, IT, communications and audit standards expertise.

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Expressions of Interest sought for the Irish Breast Implant Registry Image

Background to development of an Irish Breast Implant Registry

In 2019, the HSE set up a multidisciplinary Serious Incident Management Team (SIMT) to review the literature and guide the national response to the evolving knowledge of the epidemiology of Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Breast implant surgery is undertaken by public and private healthcare providers, as well as cosmetic clinics in Ireland. The SIMT made specific recommendations on:

• The development of a Breast Implant / Device Registry to collect population based risk and intervention data. This would ensure robust patient safety and quality assurance

• Adoption of International Collaboration of Breast Registry Activities (ICOBRA) dataset - a dataset used globally across breast implant registries

• Mandatory participation in the registry (Hamilton, 20191).

In 2023, NOCA achieved funding through the DoH to develop and implement an Irish Breast Implant Registry. The scope of this registry includes all public, private healthcare providers and cosmetic clinics that carry out cosmetic & reconstructive breast surgery. This will include a clinical dataset - (ICOBRA), an implant recall process as well as consideration to inclusion of patient reported outcome measurement (PROM). NOCA now seeks expressions of interest (EOI) for the role of Clinical Lead.

Purpose of this role

The NOCA Clinical Lead provides clinical leadership for the successful implementation and management of a NOCA audit /registry. They are operationally supported by NOCA with access to a dedicated audit manager, statistical, data quality & security, IT, communications and audit standards expertise.

[ Application form]( https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/noca-uploads/general/Expression%5Fof%5FInterest%5FForm%5FClinical%5FLead%5FBreast%5FImplant%5FRegistry%5FV1.pdf


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