NOCA Report on ICU Activity during COVID-19 pandemic

NOCA Report on ICU Activity during COVID-19 pandemic Image

This report summarises data which has been collected on a daily basis on activity in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in Ireland since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. Data include ICU bed capacity, bed occupancy and numbers of patients with COVID-19. The report also includes data from other sources which provide further insights into the course of the pandemic in ICU.

ICUs provide complex and labour-intensive care to treat the sickest patients. ICUs have been central to the care of patients with COVID-19 in hospital. COVID-19 has presented a huge challenge to ICU resources in all countries because of the large number of patients who require this level of care. The key findings indicate that the national network of ICUs was able to meet the clinical needs of patients.