Irish National ICU Audit What we measure
The Irish National ICU Audit dataset for adults is comprised of the ICNARC dataset as well as an extended national dataset. The audit collects data from across the patient journey on areas such as:
Pre-ICU admission data
Past Medical History
Clinical diagnoses
Interventions in ICU
Infection in ICU
Organs supported during ICU stay
ICU and hospital discharge data.
The Irish National ICU Audit uses the Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network (PICANet) dataset to collect data on the two paediatric ICU’s in Ireland. The audit collects data from across the patient journey on areas such as:
Transfers of critically ill infants or children
Transport team
Journey times
Referring hospital and destination
Clinical diagnoses
Physiological details
Pre-ICU admission
Interventions in PICU
Discharge details
Unit staffing levels.