Irish National ICU Audit Methodology
An experienced ICU nurse collects INICUA data in each unit, with support provided by the National ICU Audit Manager at NOCA. Each hospital accesses their data locally as appropriate, while data sent to ICNARC for validation and benchmarking is anonymous. Every quarter, reports are sent to the ICU Director in each hospital and to NOCA.
NOCA manage outliers within the NOCA Monitoring & Escalation Policy, monitored by the National ICU Audit Governance Committee and NOCA Governance Board.
NOCA provide funding to support the Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network (PICANet) in Ireland, with governance provided by the INICUA Governance Committee. Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin and Temple Street Children’s University Hospital currently contribute data to PICANet.
National Reports will include data on Quality Indicators (QI) for all participating hospitals. Key Findings and Recommendations from National Reports will be presented to the Department of Health and to HSE Acute Operations and owners will be identified for all National Report Recommendations.