National ICU Audit Governance Committee

The National ICU Audit Governance Committee oversees all matters relating to the following national data collections:

  • Irish National ICU Audit (INICUA)

  • Irish Paediatric Critical Care Audit (IPCCA)

  • ICU Bed Information System (ICU-BIS)

The National ICU Audit Governance Committee meets once every quarter. The terms of reference for the Committee can be found by clicking the button below.

Dr Rory Dwyer Irish National ICU Audit Clinical Lead
Dr Martina Healy Irish Paediatric Critical Care Audit Clinical Lead
Dr Brian Marsh Chair / Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine of Ireland
Mary O'Dwyer Baggot Irish National ICU Audit Manager
Fionnuala Treanor Irish National ICU Audit Manager
Karina Hamilton Irish Paediatric Critical Care Audit Audit Manager
Fiona Fallon Patient & Public Interest Representative
Derek Cribbin HSE Office of the Nursing and Midwifery Services Director
Barbara Egan Patient & Public Interest Representative
Paul Gallagher Irish Association of Directors of Nursing and Midwifery
Anita McGlynn INICUA Coordinators Representative
Dr Bairbre McNicholas Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine of Ireland
Dr Catherine Motherway Intensive Care Society of Ireland
Damien Nee Patient & Public Interest Representative
Dr Orla NeylonIrish Paediatric Critical Care Audit Regional Representation
Dr Oisin O'Connell Royal College of Physicians in Ireland
Dr Michael Power HSE Critical Care Programme
Mr Paul Ridgway Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Mong Hoi Tan IPCCA Coordinators Representative