Dr Alan Gaffney
| Clinical Lead |
Dr Philip Crowley | Chair & HSE Representative |
Maria Messitt
| Irish Potential Donor Audit Manager |
Emma Corrigan | National Organ Procurement Service |
Dr Suzanne Crowe | Children’s Health Ireland |
Majella Daly | HSE National Quality and Patient Safety Directorate |
Breda Doyle | Irish Association of Critical Care Nurses
Prof Rory Dwyer / Mary O’Dwyer Baggot / Fionnola Treanor | Irish National ICU Audit |
Laura Ellis-Morgan | International Expert: NHS Blood and Transplant |
Paul Gallagher | HSE Chief Director of Nursing and Midwifery |
Tony Gavigan | Patient and Public Interest Representative |
Martina Goggin | Patient and Public Interest Representative |
Paul Hendrick | Organ Donation Transplant Ireland (ODTI) Quality Improvement Forum |
Karen Healy | Regional Organ Donation Nurse Manager |
Assoc. Prof Martina Healy / Derek Cribbin | HSE National Critical Care Programme |
Prof George Mellotte | National Renal Office |
Brid Moran | Attending NOCA Executive Management Team Member |
Prof Adrian Murphy | Irish Association for Emergency Medicine & HSE Emergency Medicine Programme |
Dr Brian O’Brien | Organ Donation Transplant Ireland (ODTI) |
Dr Colman O’Loughlin | Intensive Care Society of Ireland
Jonathan Roddy | Regional Clinical Lead in Organ Donation |
John Walsh | Organ Donation Transplant Ireland (ODTI) |