IBIR Background
Breast implant–associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is a very rare form of Non-Hodgkins lymphoma. BIA-ALCL is uniquely associated with textured breast implants, specifically the Allergan BIOCELL textured surface implants. This product is no longer available on the market.
In 2019, all individuals who had breast implants in Ireland since 1990, were advised of the signs and symptoms and potential very low risk of BIA-ALCL. As there was no national breast implant registry in place during that time, healthcare providers had to carry out a review of all theatre diaries and patient charts to identify patients who may have received these implants.
The BIA-ALCL; Serious Incident Management Team (SIMT) Report, recommended the need to develop and maintain an implant registry for the Irish healthcare system. In 2023, NOCA commenced the IBIR development project. As part of the development project, a pilot will take place in a small number of Irish healthcare provider settings.
Additional information on BIA-ALCL associated with particular breast implants, as well as details on reporting can be found on the HPRA website.
ICOBRA dataset
ICOBRATM was developed to establish an internationally agreed and comparable minimum data set, made up of standardised and epidemiologically sound data that reflect global best practice. Contributing countries and organisations consist of national plastic and reconstructive surgery societies, national health services and national health regulatory agencies. At the heart of the ICOBRATM concept is the core ethic and commitment to improving patient outcomes.