Prevent falls at home - leading cause of major trauma in Ireland
Professor Conor Deasy officially launched the Major Trauma Audit national report 2019 and 2020 via webinar on 14th September. The Major Trauma Audit (MTA) has consistently shown that injuries in the home, especially low falls, are the most common cause of major injuries, and therefore more needs to be done to keep the population safe, especially when people are advised to stay at home. In this report, we have developed a short checklist highlighting the main areas in the home where people injured themselves, from the data in this audit. More importantly, however, the MTA is advocating that this information from the data is more widely used by the Health Service Executive (HSE) and the Department of Health as a means for healthcare workers, social workers, health and social care professionals (HSCPs), general practitioners, paramedics or anyone visiting a patient’s home to consider that environment and recommend changes where appropriate in order to try and reduce the burden of injury due to falls.
[ Full report](
[ Summary report](
Report Launch Agenda
Dr Colm Henry, Chief Clinical Officer, HSE: Welcome Address
Professor Conor Deasy Clinical Lead, Major Trauma Audit: LAUNCH Major Trauma Audit National Report 2019 and 2020
Mr Keith Synnott, Clinical Lead, National Office for Trauma Services: Update on the Trauma Services Reconfiguration
Richard Murry, Patient Representative: Patient Story
Louise Brent, Audit Manager, with examples from Mater and Drogheda: Setting up a hospital MTA Governance committee and getting it right
Mark Harrington, National Programme Manager, Age Friendly Homes Ireland: Making our homes safe
Antionette Edwards, Executive Director, Trauma Audit Research network (TARN): TARN data analysis for the future
Dr Gregory Peck, Chair National Major Trauma Geriatrics Group, England: Trauma care for older persons
Dr Emer Ahern , National Clinical Advisor and Group Lead Older persons, HSE: an update on the Orthogeriatric Clinical Guidelines for Older Trauma patients and closing Address
The recording of the webinar is available here, with markers for each speaker