All hospitals had an SMR within expected ranges for the time period January to December 2017 for the six key diagnoses included in this report. This report presents data for 32 hospitals which meet criteria for inclusion in the report.
Good-quality data and the provision of good information contribute to well-informed decision-making. Analysis shows some evidence of variation in coded data used for NAHM. In fulfilment of NAHM’s objective to understand and improve hospital mortality data, NOCA continues to monitor trends and patterns.
Shared learnings from hospitals are once again highlighted in this report. St James’s Hospital had a statistical outlier for AMI during 2017. The hospital used the experience to make real changes to its processes, which have resulted in improvements to the quality of its AMI data. A summary of the hospital’s review is included in this report. Additionally, two hospitals (Mercy University Hospital and University Hospital Waterford) share how they prospectively use NAHM to support local quality improvement processes.
NOCA collaborates with the Health Intelligence Unit (HIU), Strategic Planning and Transformation in the Health Service Executive (HSE), and with the Office of the Chief Information Officer, HSE (OoCIO), in order to develop and enhance the NQAIS NAHM web-based tool under the governance of the NAHM Governance Committee.
Work carried out by the NAHM Analysis and Display Scientific Team shows that 20% of all admitted patients with a respiratory condition in 2017 had acute lower respiratory infection (unspecified) documented as their principal diagnosis. This finding has resulted in two broad-ranging recommendations: the first is aimed at clinicians to improve the accuracy of documentation, and the second is aimed at NAHM to improve its web-based tool.